ESG-Factors and Responsible Investment in the Focus of Strategic Development


Kirillova Oksana1,Zhukova Elena1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Achieving the sustainable development goals laid down in the national projects of the Russian Federation requires the formation of new strategic guidelines for companies. They can be most succinctly represented by the concept of ESG factors (environmental, social, managerial), which in turn are closely related to the concept of sustainable and responsible investment, which directly addresses financial issues in the light of global risks of climate degradation, ecology, and corporate governance. Revealing the essence, role and place of strategic management based on ESG factors, the authors justify the necessity and possibility of shifting the emphasis of the financial investment market towards responsible investment. The article discusses its main elements, the theory of the relationship of ESG factors with the financial performance of firms, driving the interests of investors, and provides approaches to investment that contribute to sustainable development in various ways.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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2. Key Trends in Esg-Agenda Development: Reviewing the Situation in Russia and the World;Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;2021-12-22







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