Optimization of Taxation and Accounting As a Condition of Small Innovative Business Development


Protasov M.1,Aynazarov A.1,Ahmadeev R.1,Morozova T.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article assesses the impact of the tax burden and optimization of the accounting system on the deterrent effect of choosing an innovative direction of activity by small businesses. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the range of tax benefits and simplifications for accounting provided is quite a wide range and cannot be a deterrent to choosing an innovative type of activity. At the same time, a rather low innovative activity of small business was noted. Despite the fact that small innovative business has the ability to optimize taxation and accounting, many other factors have a complex effect on the choice of companies' activities, which leads to the effect of holding back the development of small enterprises in the innovative sector of the economy.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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