On the paradigm of modern education


Repnikova Valentina1,Garnov Andrey1,Bykova O.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Digitalization, the transition to a knowledge economy, requires a restructuring of the education system. The existing education system does not meet the realities of the country's development, but it also contributes to the modernization of technologies, the definition of a high status among the country's economic leaders. Adaptation of education to the changing conditions of the world economic system is required. Additional education can make the transformation of the education system smoother without jeopardizing national technological development, accelerating these changes and becoming an instrument for meeting the demands of labor market professionals. Economic changes in the context of the transformation of a knowledge-based society require restructuring the education system, creating new professional skills and training specialists who can acquire and use new knowledge in rapidly changing situations.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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