Current issues of renovation of communicative culture within information society


Паудяль Надежда,Paudyal Nadezhda,Филиндаш Лариса,Filindash Larisa


The article is devoted to the renovation of the communicative culture within information society. The authors consider the problem of devaluation of verbal communication in terms of technical and technological revolution of the end of XX- beginning of XXI century. They justified the feasibility of using interactive educational technologies for the formation of the communicative potential, improving communication skills. Noteworthy the authors suggest a method to the game as a form of creative development of proactive information underlying the formation of skills of verbal interaction. The authors see advantages of the game in opportunities in displays of emotion of the participants, in the creation of the command of the atmosphere, in overcoming barriers to communication, self-actualization. The task of preserving the language considered in the general cultural context as a means of preserving the national identity and mentality with their inherent picture of the world. Talking about changing cultural studies´ paradigms related to the computerization of modern society, it can be argued that it is the devaluation of the problem field of communicative values. As already mentioned, a very important fact is that the general use of information technology and the recognition of it as an absolute communication channel creates a risk of loss of traditional forms of communication with their ethical and etiquette standards, epistolary genre, rhetorical qualities of speech, appeal paper medium of information as a sign of culture . However, paradoxically, it is contrary to and at the same time thanks to the spread of technological form of communication (SMS, Skype and so on) that there has been a recent renovation of the classic communication channels, which is reflected in the creation of cycles of speech disciplines in the educational system at all levels.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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