Principles of Development of Educational Materials for Learning in an E-Learning Environment


Khudoverdova S.1


1. Stavropolsky Krai Institute for the Development of Education, Training and Retraining Education


This paper deals with the problem associated with the definition of the principles for the development of educational materials designed for learning in an electronic educational environment. The result of a critical analysis of the basic concepts is presented. The dominant of independent work and independence of the student as a specific feature of learning in the electronic educational environment is considered. The essence and purpose of educational materials for the organization of cognitive activity of students in the conditions of an electronic educational environment are disclosed. Particular attention is paid to the construction of a system of principles underlying the development of educational materials designed to train students in an electronic information and educational environment.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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