Social Concept of Law: A New Approach


Nanba Sariya,Tikhomirov YUriy,Tsomartova Fatima


Social conception of right is presented in the article. The aims of conception it is been forming of behavioral mechanism of law, and also combination of private and public interests. On the basis of social conception of right the models of her realization are offered: “conservative”, “pessimistic”, “optimistic”. Elements are offered models that are the form of expression of substantive provisions to conception. Elements it is been: aim, social interest, measure of legitimity, methods of the socially-legal affecting behavior, self-regulation, legal consciousness and legal culture et al. Methodologies of measuring of social efficiency of the legal adjusting are also offered in the article. Authors consider actual next methodologies: level of legal knowledge, legal being informed, legal culture, relation of citizens to the right; satisfaction providing of social services; estimation of quality and availability of public organs; estimation of character and volume labour.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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