Application of the theory of danger for modeling market barriers based on artificial immune system


Степанов ,Stepanov Leonid,Сербулов ,Serbulov Yuriy,Глухов ,Glukhov Dmitriy


Artificial immune system is a complex of mathematical methods to simulate the basic func-tions of the human immune system, and used to determine the parameters and (or) their values that can minimize the impact of certain factors (external or internal) to the production and economic ent-ity. The main characteristic that distinguishes the immune system of a foreign agent is an antigen that is any molecule which can be recognized by cellular elements of immunity (lymphocytes) using specific sensitive receptors. Otherwise, the antigen is a separate index that distinguishes foreign agent. Despite all this, there are examples where this approach fails. There are cases where the im-mune system does not work on "friend or foe", but uses a protective mechanism of hazard recogni-tion, which is a key method of the theory of danger. This theory does not deny the existence of dif-ferentiation in the "friend or foe", and argues that there are other factors that lead to the initiation of the immune response. For example, the theory of danger determines the nature of data on the beha-vior of competing industrial and economic systems, which must be submitted and processed in the artificial immune systems. Application of the theory of danger increases the efficiency of mathe-matical models, forming an artificial immune system of the market, which in its turn allows recog-nition of a new competitor in the market, assess the risk on its part for the competitors, and deter-mine the values of the characteristics of companies that will dominate over the parameters of a new competitor.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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