Method of Diagnostics the Severity Level of Degenerative and Dystrophic Disease of the Spine in the Patients


Жлоба ,Zhloba A.,Никитина ,Nikitina V.,Баранцевич ,Barantsevich E.


Diagnostic research can be used to diagnose the severity level of degenerative and dystrophic disease of the spine (DSP) in the patients. The authors analyzed the results of the examination of 60 patients suffering from DSP. Inclusion criteria patients in the study were that they have verified DSP. Diagnoses of diseases in the patients were clinically verified and by means of neuro-imaging methods: X-ray study of the spine and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. Criterion for exclusion from the study was the absence of DSP. The age of the patients of the 1st group was 61,1±8,3 years, the age of the patients of the 2nd group 2 was 58,1±10,9 years. Method to diagnose the severity of the current verified DSP in patients differs in that the discriminant function D. was calculated using discriminant analysis. If the value of D>0, then the patients have DSP with diskogenic disorders, if D<0 – the patients have DSP without hernia formations of intervertebral disks. Discriminant function: D=6,029×P+0,292×G-3,709×psevdoparal+0,088×ascending-0,691×TT+2,550×CDBVofVBP+1,537×HDL-4,9. Neurological study of the patients with DSP is insufficient for the study of pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of neurological disorders. A great role in patients with these diseases plays the formation of violations of production of antioxidants, hypercholesterolemia, coagulographic disorders of the blood plasma.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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