Real-time forecast of MUF for radio paths from current data obtained from oblique sounding with continuous chirp signal


Ильин Николай1,Ilyin Nikolay2,Бубнова Татьяна1,Bubnova Tatyana2,Грозов Виктор1,Grozov Viktor2,Пензин Максим1,Penzin Maksim2,Пономарчук Сергей1,Ponomarchuk Sergey2


1. Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН

2. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS


We present a technique of MUF real-time forecast based on time extrapolation for maximum observed frequencies smoothed over a long-term forecast along a given path. We have validated the technique of fitting current data from the long-term forecast, using the OPEMI model, transmission curve method for short paths, and method of normal waves for long paths (over 2000 km). This technique has been tested using data obtained at the chirp sounding network of ISTP SB RAS during periods of strong and weak solar activity. The quality of the forecast has been found to significantly improve in comparison to the long-term forecast, with advance intervals of real-time forecast from 15 to 30 min. The sessions, in which the real-time forecast error is less than 10 % for 15-min advance interval, comprise from 67 to 96 % of all sessions depending on season and radio path orientation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics

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