Formation of wear-resistant composite coatings on titanium alloys in the electric arc treatment of aqueous electrolytes


Жевтун Иван1,Zhevtun Ivan2,Гордиенко Павел1,Gordienko Pavel2,Ярусова Софья1,Yarusova Sof'ya2


1. ФГБУ Институт химии Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук

2. FGBU Institut himii Dal'nevostochnogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk


The monograph presents the results of studying the formation process on titanium alloys of wear-resistant composite coatings based on titanium carbide during electric arc treatment in aqueous electrolytes. The regularities in the composition, structure, and functional properties of the surface during treatment are shown, as well as when doping the two-component Ti-TiC system with transition and valve metals. Theoretical representations of the plasma surface treatment of a metal surface are presented, including a review of the physicochemical mechanism and a thermodynamic analysis of the titanium carbide phase formation in the bulk of the titanium alloy. Some prospects for the practical application of electric arc composite Ti-TiC-coatings are shown. The work may be of interest to engineers, graduate students and researchers involved in the plasma treatment of metals and producing coatings, as well as experts of material science working in the field of creating and treatment new materials.


Publishing Center RIOR

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