Мамматов ,Mammatov Vladimir,Мохирев ,Mokhirev Aleksandr
A variety of natural-production conditions, which is necessary to conduct logging activities largely complicates the choice of forest machines for each individual company in the industry having logging sites in its composition. Depending on many natural and production conditions such as: slope, bearing capacity of soils, ambient temperature, maximum investments, etc., and the wide range of forestry equipment on the market, engineering divisions of the company solving a problem about the purchase of new or replacement of lost its performance machines are more and more difficult to make the right choice. This work presents a methodology for forming the system of forest machines with the natural and production conditions in a convenient form, not requiring special expert knowledge from the field of mathematical modeling or other areas of science. According to the methodology the first step is selection of basic machine and performing the first major operation in felling trees, then switch to the auxiliary machines which are linked to the underlying performance, to reduce the number of in-process stock. Selection of basic and auxiliary machines is provided that candidates and excludes important indicators. If in the process of selecting the logging machine does not meet the screening criteria for excluding indicators then it does not participate in the selection. Significant index can be neglected in case of discrepancy of candidates to stated requirements. The performance of the model was tested on the example of harvesting sites of the enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk region in spring 2016. In the course of the experiment the system of forest machines, meeting the required selection criteria, was obtained.
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
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3 articles.