Computer technologies for the analysis of errors and complications of dental implant


Петров ,Petrov A.,Петров ,Petrov Igor,Ипполитов ,Ippolitov Yuriy,Бут ,But L.


The article is devoted to the problems of errors and complications during dental implantation, which is widespread in the last decade. The need for dental implantation is constantly growing, it requires improvement of this type of specialized treatment. However, today there is an incorrect view of the simplicity and availability of dental operations for a wide range of dentists. It is the cause of different conflicts between doctor and patient due to various stages of treatment of complications. One of the ways of problem solution is detailed and objective study of the errors of complications and failures of dental implantation. In this regard, the authors have developed a computer database, which allows to collect information about various errors and complications of implant treatment for detailed and objective of their study and discussion with students and physicians-participants of the courses of additional professional education. The algorithm and computer subprogram for analysis of errors and complications of dental implantation is based on modern classification, which includes a section of intraoperative complications, early postoperative and late postoperative complications and complications associated with prosthetics and complications that may arise during the functioning of the implants.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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