
Козлов ,Kozlov Vladimir,Супрун ,Suprun Evgeniy,Евсеева ,Evseeva Galina,Морозова ,Morozova Nina,Холодок ,Kholodok Galina,Лазарь ,Lazar K.


Official ten-year statistics reports on the prevalence and structure of respiratory diseases in children and teenagers of Khabarovsk Kray were analyzed. Respiratory diseases still rank first in the general sick rate and, in 2015, they accounted for 60.3% in children under 14 years old and 33.4% in teenagers. General respiratory morbidity in children in 2015 made 1300.1‰ and 726.9‰ in children and teenagers, respectively. Analytical results give evidence of stabilization of morbidity rate in children (R=0.32) and a tendency towards increasing incidence in teenagers (R=0.71). Ten-year pneumonia prevalence in children shows no tendency towards decrease (R=0.3), whereas pneumonia incidence rate in teenagers does increase (R=0.65). During the last ten years, asthma prevalence in children of the region increased twofold and turned half as much in teenagers. In 2015, asthma morbidity made 23.95‰ in children and 17.15‰ in teenagers, which exceed all-Russia’s figures (10.4‰ in children and 20.08‰ in teenagers in 2014) and Russian Far East’s figures (9.22‰ in children and 15.38‰ in teenagers in 2014). Asthma children residing in the areas of catastrophic flood of 2013 on the Amur River were found (8.3% of cases) to have sensitization to mold fungi, primarily of Aspergillus niger species (71%). The results of the analysis show that there is a stabilization of morbidity in children (R=0.32) and a tendency to grow in teenagers (R=0.71).


Far Eastern Scientific Center Of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration


General Medicine

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