Identification and Assessment of Project Management�s Key Factors at Early Stage of Realization


������� ,Gergert Dmitriy,��������� ,Zhuravleva Yu.


This paper is devoted to identification and assessment of project management�s key factors at project realization�s early stage. In scientific and practical literature such type of projects often and unconditionally are ranked as venture ones. However the venture project is only one of project steps at an early stage of realization. The questions considered in this paper, cover a wide range of problems connected with absence of methodological unity in this subject. A great attention in this research has been paid to such factors, as features related to interference of projects profitability and chosen business model; influence on projects implementation such factors, as team, financing, market growth; assessment of project manager�s leadership skills influence on project realization success. Paper represents results of projects� quality and quantitative research at their realization�s early stage in the Russian Federation and can form a basis for subsequent and deeper researches in this direction.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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