Computer Science at the Level of Secondary General Education: Basic Approaches to Implementation


Bosova L.1,Samylkina N.1


1. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Moscow Pedagogical State University


The article considers the concepts of level and profile differentiation of content, issues of differentiation of the content of computer science training at the level of education in secondary school. The characteristic of the basic and profile level of computer science in high school is given; the potential of the school course in computer science in the development of thinking, the formation of a worldview and the improvement of the digital skills of a school graduate are revealed. The content of the school course in computer science is described in terms of its compliance with the main areas of the scientific field "Computer Science" and through digital technologies. Examples of the implementation of various options for teaching computer science in high school using the existing educational and methodological support are given.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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