Possibility of using GLM data for studying plasma phenomena


Filatov Aleksandr1


1. Fryazino Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS


The article deals with scientific and technical problems associated with the functionality of the geostationary lightning mapper, which is currently used for meteorological monitoring. Results of the study into the Schumann resonance phenomenon and the technical parameters of the mapper were analyzed simultaneously. A hypothesis is offered which suggests that there are pulsations in the time dependences of the radiation power of lightning activity at frequencies corresponding to Schumann resonance. A new application of the geostationary lightning mapper for studying plasma phenomena is proposed. Adding to the mapper an acousto-optic filter and a camera, which has the functions of switching the resolution/frame rate parameters, is shown to be useful for both meteorological and plasma studies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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