The unfavorable epizootic situation on nematode infestation of populations of the sable Martes zibellina and the pine marten M. martes in Western Siberia


Жигилева ,Zhigileva O.,Усламина ,Uslamina I.


Objective of research: to study the nematode infestation of the sable and pine marten in Western Siberia. Materials and methods: Altogether 169 individuals of the sable and 18 — of the pine marten were investigated using the method of partial dissection of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Animals were caught according to the hunting license in 2009-2011 and 2014-2015, in 8 areas of Western Siberia from the south taiga to the northern forest-steppe. Results and discussion: We have found four species of parasitic nematodes, two of which (Crenosoma petrovi, Filaroides martis) were localized in lungs and two species (Capillaria putorii, Strongyloides martis) — in the intestine of the sable and the pine marten. Prevalence of lung nematodes was 80%, intestine nematodes — 40%. Intensity of infestation ranged from 26 to 358 nematodes per animal. F. martis is the most pathogenic and most common helminth in martens in Western Siberia. 53,3% of pine martens and 26,5% of sables were infected with this nematode species. Nematode S. martis is the most abundant in the intestine. In pine martens the extensity of invasion was 42,8%, the abundance index — 8.29 helminths per animal; in sables — 9,1% and 1.18, respectively. Pine martens were infected by F. martes and S. martis more than sables (p — 0,05). Prevalence increases in the direction from the North East (taiga) to the South West (sub-taiga), which determines the intensity of the helminthiases focus in biocenoses of Western Siberia. Infection of pine martens in the forest-steppe was not detected. In 2014–2015 compared with the previous study period (2009–2011) the extensity of invasion with intestinal nematodes increased by 1,5–2 times, and with highly pathogenic lung parasites — by 3 times. The increase in the helminth infestation may be explained by the growth of animal population density.


Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants

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