The study of prooxidant properties of cyanide complexes of zinc (II) while the experiment


Пухаева ,Pukhaeva Elena,Чопикашвили ,Chopikashvili Lidiya,Скупневский ,Skupnevskiy Sergey,Руруа ,Rurua Fatima


The aim of this paper is to study the toxic effects of zinc compounds and cyanide ions on the system of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence. Studies were conducted on 24 rats of Wistar line, divided into three groups (control group and two experimental, having received respectively 0.1 mg / kg of zinc chloride and cyanide complexes of zinc, calculated on the Zn2+). It was found that the administration of cyanide complexes of zinc leads to the increased level of lipid peroxidation products (methaemoglobin, hydroperoxide) on the background of the decreased activity of ceruloplasmin. In addition the content of malon dialdehyde and catalase activity does not undergo significant changes.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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