Ionospheric electric potential as an alternative indicator of solar effect on the lower atmosphere


Karahanyan Ashkhen1,Molodykh Sergey2


1. Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

2. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS


We have explored the possibility of applying the ionospheric electric potential (EP) as a parameter describing the effects of solar activity on the troposphere. We calculated EP, using the semi-empirical model, where the potential spatial distribution is determined by solar wind, interplanetary magnetic field parameters, and the geomagnetic activity index AL. We have carried out a comparative analysis of EP and the commonly used geomagnetic activity indices in a high-latitude region for 1975–2019. It has been shown that EP can be used as an indicator of solar activity since it describes both short-period disturbances and long-term variations. The revealed similar trends in long-term EP variations and near-surface temperature suggest that the changes in climate system parameters are induced by slower changes in the Sun’s large-scale magnetic field. The performed analysis of EP and near-surface temperature correlation maps has revealed that the atmospheric static stability conditions have an effect on spatial distribution of tropospheric response to solar impact.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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