Variations in cosmic ray cutoff rigidities during the March 8–11, 2012 magnetic storm (CAWSES II period)


Danilova Olga1,Ptitsyna Natalia1,Tyasto Marta1,Sdobnov Valeriy2


1. St.-Petersburg Filial of IZMIRAN

2. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS


The geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of cosmic rays (CRs) is the main factor regulating the arrival of CR particles at a given point on Earth's surface or inside the magnetosphere. To study the relationship between cutoffs and near-Earth space parameters, we have selected the strongest magnetic storm that occurred on March 8–11, 2012 during the CAWSES-II interval, recommended by SCOSTEP for detailed studies of solar-terrestrial relations. We have found the geomagnetic cutoffs by two methods: 1) by trajectory calculations in the magnetic field of the perturbed magnetosphere according to the Ts01 model and 2) by the spectrographic global survey method according to the data from the world network of neutron monitors. The largest drop in the cutoffs (−1.1 GV) obtained by the latter method was observed during the recovery phase of the storm. Apparently, this is due to the influence of the supersubstorms that occurred at that time. The analysis has shown that the closest connection of variations in the cutoffs can be traced with the geomagnetic activity index Dst, which indicates the determining contribution of the ring current to the transport of CRs. In addition, we have found a significant connection with the electromagnetic field parameters (with the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field and the azimuthal component of the electric field Ey). The dynamic solar wind parameters practically do not control variations in CR geomagnetic cutoff rigidities.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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