1. Kazan State Agrarian University
Today it is a generally accepted fact that the livestock industry has a negative impact on the environment. With the development of industrial production of livestock and poultry products, this impact has increased significantly. The risks of environmental pollution in animal husbandry are associated with the disposal of manure and manure, as well as greenhouse gas emissions during the entire production cycle. Therefore, one of the main tasks of modern animal husbandry is to reduce emissions. The purpose of the study is to develop a digital livestock management model aimed at improving production processes to reduce the harmful effects of the activities of an economic entity on the environment. As part of the study, a model was proposed that is a set of digital systems (reproduction system, animal identification system, microclimate system, feeding system, veterinary system, waste system, product control system) based on geographic information technologies. Digital systems cover all technological stages of animal breeding, care and fattening, production output. Robotic systems for feeding, milking, weighing, caring for animals perform their work more accurately and efficiently, which reduces feed losses, reduces the cost of animal treatment, increases their productivity and insemination rate. From the point of view of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the use of drones for the delivery of feed and other materials used in animal husbandry is beneficial. The result of the introduction of digital technologies in the process of feeding animals is feed savings and efficient consumption, and as a result, a reduction in the carbon footprint due to reduced energy costs
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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