
Gazetdinov Shamil1,Gazetdinov Mirsharip1,Semicheva Ol'ga1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The article deals with the problems of interaction of economic and social processes in rural municipal areas, which is a determining factor in the quality of life of the rural population. The aim is to study on the basis of constructive simplification of the territorial system the allocation of its subsystems for separate study. The criterion for such allocation is to take into account the main links considered by the economic and social subsystems with the structure of the system as a whole. Rural territory can be represented in the form of interconnected spatial subsystems of the following: agricultural production, household, service, transport and information communications. At the same time, the potential for consumption of material and spiritual goods can be considered from the standpoint of three types of social accessibility: material, spiritual and spatial-temporal. It is revealed that the main disproportions in the modern development of rural areas are the disproportions between the potential of consumption, on the one hand, and the level of actual availability of material and spiritual goods, on the other. To eliminate these imbalances, it is advisable to use system analysis tools that allow you to obtain the necessary information about the interaction of social and economic factors. At the same time, the study of current trends in the interaction of economic and social processes that determine the standard of living of the rural population shows that the placement of capital investments within a rural municipal district should be based on a comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis, since the evaluation of the effectiveness of investments for individual objects does not take into account the interrelationships, interaction and synergetic effect of socio-economic factors affecting the qual


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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