
Subaeva Asiya1,Aleksandrova Natal'ya2


1. Kazan State Agrarian University

2. Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin


State support for the development of agriculture, like other subsidized industries, has a significant impact on the development of crop and livestock products, acting as a strategic bulwark of the country's food security. An increase in the volume of state support for agriculture is possible with the dynamic activity of all sectors of agriculture, the main task of which is to increase economic efficiency through the transition to innovative production principles. State support for the technical re-equipment of agribusiness is the basis of agricultural production, which has a decisive impact on the transition to digital solutions for the entire agrarian industry in the future. In this regard, the goal was set to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies using the example of typical agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan located in different climatic zones of the Volga region, confirming an average decrease in the production cost of 1 centner of grain crops by 13%, payment labor on average by 14.5%, which makes it necessary to allocate financial support to agrarians as an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of agribusiness based on funds from the federal and regional budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and from extra-budgetary sources. Revealing the mechanism of state regulation in the form of tax, control and inspection, as well as the mechanism of state support and legal regulation, a mechanism of state support for the digitalization process is proposed in the form of subsidizing the costs of purchasing digital products, as one of the effective mechanisms, contributing to the acceleration of the transition of agribusiness to the digital economy. This mechanism will allow agrarians, at the first stage of the digitalization process of agricultural production, to acquire primary digital equipment in the form of trackers and sensors capable of receiving, sending, generating and processing data, which will subsequently lead to the need for the acquisition of interfaces capable of providing unhindered exchange of data between machines and business partners, and later portals in the form of ecosystems


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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