
Kuzina Elena1


1. Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture named after N.S.Nemtsev - branch of Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulyanovsk


The article presents the results of studies on the study of the influence of various tillage systems on the bulk density, structural aggregate composition and water resistance of the arable layer under mustard crops. The studies were carried out in 2019-2021 in Ulyanovsk region. Five tillage systems were studied: 1. Moldboard - (plowing at 20-22 cm PLN-4-35) control; 2. Differentiated different-depth - (alternating plowing by 25-27 cm PLN-4-35 and disking by 6-8 cm); 3. Comb-shaped (OP-3C for 13-15cm); 4. Disc - (BDM for 6-8cm); 5. Flat-cut processing - (KPSh-3 by 13-15 cm). The soil of the experimental plot is represented by slightly leached heavy loam}- chernozem with a humus content of 5.8-6.1%. The dependence of some agrophysical properties of leached chernozem on reducing the intensity of influence on the treated layer is determined. Replacing plowing with non-moldboard loosening (options with comb, disc and flat-cut cultivation) or its periodic use against the background of disc cultivation in crop rotation (variant with differentiated cultivation) had a positive effect on the soil structure, increasing not only the structural coefficient, but also the water resistance of the aggregates, contributing to increasing soil resistance to water erosion. It was found that in these options, the content of agronomically valuable structural and water-resistant aggregates increased by 1.4-2.3 and 0.8-1.7% compared to traditional plowing, the structural coefficient increased by 0.29-0.49 units The lowest density of the soil structure at a depth of 0-30 cm was noted in the variant with differentiated tillage of 1.07 g cm3. On non-arable variants, the density of soil composition increased by 0.04-0.16 g/cm3 or 3-14%, compared with the control, but did not go beyond the optimal. According to the reserves of productive moisture in the meter layer of soil, differentiated and comb-shaped treatments were not inferior to the control


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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