
Saitov Viktor12,Kurbanov Rustam2,Saitov Aleksey2


1. FGBNU «Federal'nyy agrarnyy nauchnyy centr Severo-Vostoka im. N.V. Rudnickogo»

2. Vyatka State Agrotechnological University


Food products from rye grain have the most valuable properties for improving human health. However, crops of this crop often infect poisonous ergot sclerotia. Modern grain cleaning machines do not provide complete isolation of ergot sclerotia from rye grain during cleaning in one technological cycle due to the similarity of their physical and mechanical properties. Repeated passage of the grain material through the cleaning mechanisms in order to completely isolate the poisonous ergot sclerotia from the grain material dramatically increases the cost of the cleaning process. Ergot sclerotia have a lower density than a full-fledged rye grain, which makes it possible to separate them according to this criterion in an aqueous solution of an inorganic salt. The aim of the study is to determine the efficiency of the isolation of poisonous ergot sclerotia and to identify the loss of grain Pz into waste during in-line immersion of the grain material in a liquid, depending on the specific grain load gsp at different densities ρzh of an aqueous salt solution. As objects of research, it was accepted to study the isolation of ergot sclerotia from winter rye grains of the Falenskaya 4 variety with a moisture content of 14% by density in an aqueous salt solution and to determine the possible losses of high-grade grain to waste. Studies have been carried out when grain material is supplied by a flow from a height h = 60∙10-3 m into water (ρzh = 1000 kg/m3) and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) with a density ρzh = 1030…1180 kg/m3 with varying specific grain load gsp with values of 0.674…7.221 kg/(s∙m). It has been established that at a density of an aqueous solution of salt ρzh = 1150 kg/m3 and a specific grain load gsp = 0.674…1.469 kg/(s m), 100% ergot sclerotia emerge to the surface of the solution, and the loss of grain Pz to waste does not exceed 2.52%, which meet the agrotechnical requirements for final grain cleaning machines


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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