
Smirnov Petr1,Terentyev Alexey1,Pushkarenko Nikolay1,Smirnov Mihail1,Valiev Ayrat2,Kalimullin Marat2


1. Chuvash State Agrarian University

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


At present, the preparation of the soil for the hop plant with machines of traditional hop production technology is unrealistic, since there are no more hops and no one is producing them. In this regard, a progressive technology for growing hops and promising machines for them, including for energy-saving tillage for hops, have been proposed. As the main cultivation, two-strip soil cultivation was used for rows of hops with a combined subsoiler-drener developed at the Chuvash State Agrarian University. Moreover, loosening is carried out with the simultaneous introduction of liquefied litterless manure with a dose of 100-120 t / ha to the subsurface zone from 0.20 to 0.60 m. In the soil, liquefied litterless manure fills the drainage canal and the soil pores adjacent to the canal, activates the activity of microorganisms and soil biochemical processes. Row loosening with a combined machine allows to reduce the energy consumption of processing by 57% compared to continuous plowing with plantation plows and to exclude the operation of applying bedding manure with subsequent moldboard embedding. As a pre-planting soil preparation, cultivation with combined stubble cultivators of the KST-3,8 type and its analogues with the incorporation of crushed green manure (up to 75%), high-quality leveling and crumbling of the soil is proposed. Stirring and leveling of the field surface is provided by afrontal discs behind the last row of flat-cut tines, crumbling - by a ribbed roller. The maneuverability of such a cultivator in the cramped conditions of the hop is taken into account. Replacement of plowing operations with general purpose plows and subsequent leveling by a cultivator allows an additional 45-50% reduction in the energy intensity of pre-planting soil cultivation. The main energy source in the main tillage is the tractor BTZ-243k


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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