
Eremina Diana1,Demina Oksana


1. Gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet Severnogo Zaural'ya,


In modern conditions of agricultural intensification, the use of a scientifically based fertilizer system becomes extremely necessary. It is she who will allow you to get economically viable crop yields. Studies to obtain the planned yield with the introduction of increasing doses of mineral fertilizers were carried out in 2018-2020 in the forest-steppe zone of the Urals. The soil is old leached chernozem. Experiment scheme: control (without fertilization); application of mineral fertilizers to the planned yield: by 3.0 t/ha of grain N40 P75; 4.0 t/ha - N95P110; 5.0 t/ha - N150P200 and 6.0 t/ha - N185P160 kg of active ingredient. On average, over the years of research, the planned yield of spring wheat was achieved. The cost of growing spring wheat without mineral fertilizers amounted to 16850 rubles/ha. The introduction of mineral fertilizers for the planned harvests increases costs up to 34200 rubles/ha. Such high costs are explained by the use of phosphate fertilizers, whose price is twice as high as ammonium nitrate. In the structure of costs for obtaining a yield of 3.0 t/ha of grain, the share of mineral fertilizers accounts for 17 %. A further increase in the level of mineral nutrition through fertilizers increases the share of fertilizer costs up to 45 %. The profit from the sale of grain on the option with NPK of 6.0 t/ha of grain reached 27400 with a profitability of 80 %. On the control, the corresponding indicators were 5150 rubles/ha and 31 %. The optimal and economically justified is the level of mineral nutrition, providing 4.0 t/ha of spring wheat grain. A further increase in the agricultural background is associated with a risk due to the peculiarities of weather conditions in the forest-steppe zone of the Urals


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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