
Zakirova Alsu1,Klychova Guzaliya1,Husainova Amina2,Dyatlova Angelina3,Nikitenko Igor'4


1. Kazan State Agrarian University

2. Mezhregional'nyy filial Federal'nogo kazennogo uchrezhdeniya «Centr po obespecheniyu deyatel'nosti Kaznacheystva Rossii»

3. Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

4. Kazanskiy (Privolzhskiy) federal'nyy universitet


Today, most of the business transactions carried out by an economic entity, including in the process of settlements with counterparties, are associated with cash flows. Therefore, the issues of internal control are of particular relevance, which contributes to information and consulting support and optimization of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The purpose of the work is to develop methodological tools for internal control of funds at the enterprise. In the course of the study, forms of working documents for internal control were developed. To determine a general strategy and a detailed approach to conducting effective control procedures, it was proposed to use an internal control program, which should take into account its resource support, namely, the personnel who will carry out the audit; normative and informational support of the audit; methodological support of verification. The proposed working document of internal control “Test for assessing the accounting system for cash transactions” is designed to collect complete and reliable information about the organization of the accounting system of cash flows, assess the degree of ensuring their safety and intended use at the enterprise. To summarize the results of checking cash flow operations at the cash desk of the enterprise and in bank accounts, their expediency and validity, as well as fixing violations identified in the process of internal control, reports on the results of the audit and detected violations were developed such working documents as: “Report on results checks of cash transactions”, “Checking operations on the movement of funds on settlement accounts in the bank” and “Revealed violations in the accounting of banking operations”. Based on the results of the audit, summarized in the proposed working documents of internal control, the company's management can make managerial decisions to improve the efficiency of the use of funds based on the creation of a liquidity management system.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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