1. Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy
2. Izhevskaya gosudarstvennaya sel'skohozyaystvennaya akademiya
The productivity of barley Raushan 24.9-53.1 tons per hectare on the farm (SKHPK) them. Michurin, Vavozhsky district of the Udmurt Republic for 2013-2019 had a positive average correlation (r = 0,46) with the pH of the arable layer, a positive weak correlation with the content in the arable layer of mobile phosphorus (r = 0,26), exchange potassium (r = 0.12) and humus (r = 0,12). The crop of 2017, had more potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, calcium, sodium, manganese, tin, iron, rubidium, strontium, barium, zirconium, copper, zinc, titanium, selenium, nickel, vanadium, gadolinium, lithium, germanium, cobalt, tungsten, beryllium, cadmium, than their content in the grain of the 2018 crop. In 2018, the yield was lower by 14,2 centner per hectare of the 2017 crop, and barley kernels contained more bromine, aluminum, boron, molybdenum, thorium, chromium, cerium, lanthanum, niobium, tantalum, gallium
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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