
Izmaylova Marina Alekseevna1,Korneva Evgeniya2,Ziganshin Bulat3,Dmitriev Andrey,Mardanov Ramis3


1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

2. OOO «Russkiy Registr — Baltiyskaya inspekciya»

3. Kazan State Agrarian University


The demand in the educational community for the procedures of professional-public and international accreditation puts on the agenda a series of issues, including the urgent need for: conducting professional-public accreditation to demonstrate to the public the degree of conjugation of educational programs being implemented with its requests, which form the basis for the formation of admission control figures; conducting international accreditation of educational programs to attract foreign contingent, including as one of the sources of funding; determination of educational programs for accreditation procedures and determination of the readiness of their leaders and the educational organization as a whole to conduct such procedures; the choice of an accrediting organization, the principles of which are harmonized with the values of the educational organization. Kazan State Agrarian University, which has set itself ambitious goals in the field of improving the quality of education and demonstrating its readiness and potential to solve them, successfully passed the procedures of professional, public and international accreditation in 2022. 26 educational programs took part in the procedures of external independent assessment of the quality of education and deservedly received a certificate of accreditation. The Russian Register Certification Association was chosen as the accrediting organization, the choice of which was determined not only by the status of the organization in the Russian and international space, but also by the principles of external evaluation in the implementation of activities and decision-making under the jurisdiction of the Agency, which ensure the promotion of quality, transparency and comparability in education, as well as independence, objectivity, professionalism, openness in conducting accreditation examinations of educational programs.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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