
Nikiforova Svetlana


The studies were carried out in order to identify the effectiveness of various doses of mineral fertilizers, boron-containing microfertilizers and a biostimulator in the technology of sunflower cultivation. The work was carried out in Ulyanovsk region on leached heavy loamy chernozem in 2020-2021. Years of research were favorable in terms of heat and moisture supply. The scheme of the experiment included the study of the effect of 4 backgrounds of mineral fertilizer - factor A (A1 – N0, control; A2 – N30 for pre-sowing cultivation; A3 - N30P30K30 for sowing; A4 – N30 for cultivation + N30P30K30 for sowing) and 4 variants of foliar top dressing for vegetation - factor B (B1 - without treatment; B2 - Ultramag bor, 1 l/ha; B3 - Biostim universal, 2 l/ha; B4 - Ultramag bor, 1 l/ha + Biostim universal, 2 l/ha). The studies were carried out on the mid-season sunflower hybrid Natali. The highest yield (3.01 t/ha) was formed with the joint application of Biostim universal and Ultramag bor (2 + 1 l/ha) against the background of the application of 30 kg a.i./ha of nitrogen (increase to control 0.56 t/ha). The highest content of crude protein was noted against the background of the starting dose of fertilizers N30P30K30 with additional nitrogen nutrition N30 (11.4 ... 13.4%, which is 0.9 ... 2.9% more than the control). In terms of the collection of crude protein, the advantage was with the options with the use of N30P30K30 before sowing and N30 for cultivation in combination with Ultramag boron and Biostim universal (327 and 373 kg/ha, respectively, which is more than the control by 70 and 116 kg/ha). High oil yield was noted against the background of pre-sowing application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 30 kg/ha of a.i. (1326...1493 kg/ha), as well as the use of a starting dose of N30P30K30 without additional nitrogen (1221...1373/ha). The cultivation of sunflower with the use of mineral fertilizers in combination with boron and biostimulant showed high economic efficiency.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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