
Ivanschikov Yuriy1,Valiev Ayrat2,Novikov Aleksey1,Dobrohotov Yuriy1,Kazakov Yuriy3


1. Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy

2. Kazan State Agrarian University

3. Chuvash State Agrarian University


The technology used for high-pressure fuel pumps running at fixed camshaft speeds does not provide running-in of friction pairs not only for the pump, but also for its fuel injection advance clutch. The purpose of the research is to develop a device that provides an equally variable angular velocity of the driven clutch half of the fuel injection advance clutch. The uneven speed of rotation of the driven half-coupling makes it possible to run the clutch in dynamic loading conditions by optimizing the stroke of the pushers, the radius of the rollers and the height of the programming washer, while ensuring optimal running-in modes with a combination of specified torsional vibrations in the range of amplitudes that overlap the operating angles of turn of the half-couplings. To achieve this goal, the work determined the range of sizes of the radii of the driven semi-shaft of the proposed device (6…12.5 mm) and its copying roller (5…9 mm), which provides an equally variable angular velocity of the driven half-coupling. For these values of the structural elements of the device, the height of the cam of the programming washer will be in the range of 2.99 ... 5.85 mm. In this range, it is possible to run commercially available fuel injection advance clutches in dynamic mode with an equally variable angular velocity, which improves the quality of running-in of the friction pairs of the pump and its clutch.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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1. TEST CONTROL OF FUEL PUMPS OF MODERN AUTOTRACTOR EQUIPMENT;Vestnik of Kazan State Agrarian University;2024-08-13







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