The formation of an effective competitive agricultural production, which is based on a combination of various forms of agricultural management, is largely ensured by the creation of adequate and comfortable conditions for managing each of the forms of agribusiness. The existing shortcomings of the agrarian policy in terms of weak adaptability to new economic conditions, the bias of state support towards large agribusiness, etc. require measures to improve its organizational and economic elements. To solve this issue, it is necessary to work out methodological approaches to the development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the adaptation of agribusiness entities to new economic conditions, as the basis of modern agricultural policy of the state. A systematic approach to the construction of the mechanism implies the consistency and interdependence of its elements: from the definition of targets for the development of the agricultural sector to the implementation of measures and directions for their achievement at all levels of public administration in compliance with a number of principles. The main ones are: an integrated approach, parity of interests and adaptability of agricultural structures, innovation and potential of farms. When choosing directions for improving the organizational and economic mechanism of adaptation, it is advisable to determine not only the resource (financial) capabilities of authorities at all levels, but also the restrictive parameters of the development of institutional structures of the agricultural sector of the economy. Namely: the level of technological development of the country’s economy and individual industries, the economic and political course of the state, the availability of equal access of agricultural entities to information, financial, technical and other resources, the degree of trust between business and government agencies, innovative approach in management methods, etc.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology
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