
Gaynutdinov Ilgizar1,Khismatullin Marsel1,Asadullin Nail1,Subaeva Asiya1,Mikhaylova Valerikovna1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The study was carried out in order to analyze the regulatory legal acts regulating land relations in agriculture in order to improve the efficiency of the use of agricultural land. In the Republic of Tatarstan, their area at the beginning of 2022 amounted to 4 625.90 thousand hectares, of which 1 814.50 thousand hectares is a share fund. On 65.9% of the area of unclaimed land shares, the right of municipal property is registered. The existing legal uncertainty in identifying their owners, the lack of funds in the budget of municipalities for carrying out cadastral work makes it difficult to formalize the right of municipal ownership of these shares and transfer them to lease or property to agricultural producers. Against the background of a significant decrease in the area of agricultural land in the republic, 67.8 thousand hectares of agricultural land are not used. In 2021, 829 owners and tenants of unused land were prosecuted with fines in the amount of RUB 6.1 million. There is legal illiteracy among the majority of land users in the construction of capital facilities, the conclusion and termination of lease agreements, holding auctions, etc. The amendment to the Land Code of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted in pursuance of Federal Law No. rural areas and the development of farms in sparsely populated municipal areas. The state program “Integrated Development of Rural Territories” is mainly aimed at promising areas for the development of the agro-industrial complex, and not at depressed, sparsely populated rural areas. As of October 2022, the borders of 20% of settlements have been registered in the republic, which may complicate the procedure for providing land for the construction of industrial agricultural facilities. The Land Code of the Russian Federation does not directly regulate the construction of capital facilities on agricultural land, which requires that appropriate amendments be made to the existing land legislation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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