
Karyakin Sergey1,Maksimov Evgeniy1,Kolomeychenko Aleksandr1,Valiev Ayrat2,Solovev Rudolf1


1. State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE “NAMI”

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


Currently, a relevant task for self-propelled machinery manufacturers is to replace hydraulic system components of the leading global manufacturers with hydraulic system components of alternative Russian manufacturers. The price share of a hydraulic system within the production cost of complete machinery is estimated by experts to be 5% to 25%. At the same time in the Russian Federation, hydraulic system components are produced in insignificant volumes. The components produced in the territory of the Russian Federation often fail to meet state-of-the-art requirements; therefore, it is the foreign components that are mainly used. The task of organizing production of state-of-the-art components for hydraulic systems is a very important one and is aimed at provision of production of modern equipment for various purposes in the Russian Federation. This work was carried out in order to assess the possibility of consolidated inquiry arrangement, qualitative development of the existing production of hydraulic equipment and creation of new production facilities. In the work, a list of typical hydraulic distribution equipment used in the modern special-purpose machinery design was compiled, and a dimensional range of hydraulic distribution equipment parameters was justified. Based on the results of analysis of the special-purpose machinery market, forecast market demand for hydraulic distribution equipment by segments until 2030 was determined. In order to assess the hydraulic distribution equipment market for types of machines not included in this study, based on expert opinions, we assume that their market is 50% of the considered types of machines. The analysis showed that when producing special-purpose machinery, hydraulic distribution equipment from various manufacturers is used, and hydraulic distribution equipment is one of the expensive components taking up to 20% of the total cost of a hydraulic system of special-purpose machines. The hydraulic distribution equipment potential market capacity in the Russian Federation in 2030 perspective will amount to 1.34 million pcs for a total of 56.9 billion rubles.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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