
Savelyeva Olesya,Savelyev Andrey,Bukin Oleg1,Nikolskiy Aleksandr2,Bochkarev Dmitriy2


1. Ogarev Mordovia State University

2. N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University


Research was carried out to determine the influence of various systems of basic soil cultivation on the prevalence and development of pests in the agrophytocenosis of peas. The work was carried out in 2017-2019 in the Republic of Mordovia in the second rotation of the crop rotation: peas - winter wheat - soybeans - spring barley. The experimental scheme included the following options: autumn disking at 10…12 cm + moldboard plowing at 22…24 cm (disking + plowing); autumn disking with a disc harrow at 10…12 cm (disking); zero tillage (direct sowing). The use of disking and direct sowing increased the infestation of crops with young weeds, compared with plowing, by 12 and 24 weeds/m2. Plowing led to a decrease in the amount of thistle and horsetail. The prevalence of rust and gray rot in peas was largely influenced by weather conditions favorable to pathogens. In 2017 the prevalence of rust in the flowering phase was higher than in the drier years of 2018-2019 by 44...53%, gray mold - by 17...23%. The intensity of pathogen development increased as the crop matured; in the experiment, the lowest value of this indicator was against the background of disking. Plowing significantly reduced the density of the pea aphid population compared to disking (by 79%) and direct sowing (by 11%). A similar pattern was noted for gamma moth caterpillars. The results obtained can be used in the development of an integrated system for protecting peas from a complex of pests for the southern forest-steppe of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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