
Dergunov Aleksandr1,Luk'yanov Aleksey2


1. Anapa zonal experimental station for viticulture and winemaking - a branch of the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture

2. Anapskaya zonal'naya opytnaya stanciya vinogradarstva i vinodeliya – filial Severo-Kavkazskogo FANC


The research was carried out in order to study the effect of various foliar fertilizers on the productivity of grapes, the quality of the must and the taste characteristics of wine products. The work was carried out in 2019-2021 in Anapo-Taman climatic subzone of Krasnodar Territory. The scheme of the experiment included the following options: without fertilizers (spraying with water) - control; Gumel lux 0.1 kg/ha; Filloton 1.0 l/ha; Agrumax 1.5 l/ha. Spraying was carried out three times in the following phases: “loosening of inflorescences”, after the end of flowering and in the “growth of berries” phase. Objects of study: Chardonnay grapes, its must and wine material. The bushes were formed according to the two-armed Kazenava cordon system, the planting scheme was 3.0 m × 1.5 m. The soil of the experimental plot was soddy-calcareous, powerful, low-humus, light-clay granulometric composition, formed on tertiary saline clays. Fertility is below average. The supply of nitrate nitrogen and mobile phosphorus is low, and that of potassium is high. The treatment of Chardonnay grapes with the studied preparations had a different effect on its productivity and the technological qualities of the must. The highest yield was noted in the variants treated with Agrumax and Gumel Lux fertilizers - 9.83 and 9.50 kg/plant. The excess of their productivity over the control was statistically significant and amounted to 3.13 and 2.80 kg/plant, respectively, with an HSR05 of 2.7 kg/plant. The effect of the drug Filloton on the yield of grapes was much weaker and manifested itself only in the form of a trend. Treatment with organomineral fertilizer Gumel lux contributed to an increase in the sugar content of the juice by 10.4% and the preservation in the must of the acidity optimal for dry white wines - 7.0 g/dm3. Wine materials in the variants with the use of Phylloton and Gumel Lux fertilizers were the most extractive in the experiment, which was reflected in their taste qualities, which received estimates of 7.82 and 7.73 points, respectively. According to the ratio of yield/quality of wine material, foliar top dressing with Gumel Lux provided optimal results.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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