
Kuzychenko Yuriy1


1. FGBNU «Severo-Kavkazskiy federal'nyy nauchnyy centr»


The research was carried out in order to analyze the development of various systems of basic tillage (moldboard, non-moldboard, surface) for row crops for the period from 2010 to 2018 in the zone of unstable moisture in Stavropol kray with the development of a soil cultivation system for corn for grain according to the predecessor winter wheat. The soil of the experimental plot is ordinary chernozem, medium loamy, with a humus content of 3.9%, Р2О5 - 36.2 mg/kg; К2О - 162.8 mg/kg. The research was carried out in the link of crop rotation winter wheat - corn for grain. The experimental scheme included eight options for the main processing: moldboard (control), moldless (plow with SibIME tines, “Paraplau” type, chisel, flat cutter), milling, shallow (10 ... 12 cm in combination with Roundup herbicide) and combined (moldboard under winter wheat, chisel-making for grain corn). The area of the plot is 240 m2, the arrangement of the plots is two-tiered, randomized, the replication is four times. During the study period, the area cultivated without moldboard to a depth of 20 ... 22 cm, on average, grew by 4.3 thousand hectares annually. The average soil density in the options with moldboard and combined (plowing by 20 ... 22 cm for winter wheat, non-moldboard loosening by 23 ... 25 cm for corn for grain) processing is almost the same as after sowing (1.10 and 1.11 g/cm3) and before harvesting (1.19 g/cm3). The soil water permeability after the main processing with the chisel plow PCh-4.5 was 291 mm/h, plowing - 241 mm/h, which is 15% less. The average for crops in the crop rotation link in the variant with moldboard and combined tillage were practically the same - 136 and 134.6 mm, respectively. Against the fertilized background, the costs for combined tillage versus moldboard tillage (control) decreased by 2300 rubles per hectare, and the profitability of production of the crop rotation link is 89%. Key words: tillage systems, crop rotation, row-crop link, ordinary chernozem, Central Ciscaucasia


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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