
Masyutkin Evgeniy1,Avdeev Boris1


1. FGBOU VO «Kerchenskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnologicheskiy universitet»


In agriculture, a large number of different lubricating and cooling liquids are used in the operation, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery. In the process of use, technical fluids become contaminated with foreign impurities and require periodic cleaning. Magnetic sedimentation tanks are well suited for this. The studies were carried out in order to determine the parameters (the magnitude and gradient of the magnetic field strength, the height of the apparatus, the concentration of particles), at which coagulation of particles is observed in a non-uniform magnetic settler. The experiments were carried out on a laboratory setup for studying coagulation in the working area of a magnetic sump. For a given magnetic system, the geometric dimensions of the apparatus were determined in such a way that the magnetic field acts in the entire working volume of the sump and effectively traps foreign metal impurities. The value of the magnetic induction of the field B is proportional to the square of the distance from the investigated point to the pole of the electromagnet Н0. At a distance of 300 mm and further, the magnetic force has almost no effect on the particle, so the height of the sump should be less. The lowest magnetic induction is observed in the middle of the coil. A decrease in the current in the winding entails a reduction in the length of the floccule; magnetic coagulation takes place when the concentration of particles in the coolant is more than 0.3 g/l, with a lower content, it is not observed due to significant distances between the particles; the effect of coagulation is noted in the entire area of action of the magnetic field, while the length of the floccules decreases with a decrease in concentration. The distance at which the effect of coagulation between particles is observed is determined by a complex function that depends on the current in the winding, the field strength, their distance from the pole of the electromagnet, and also on the size of the particles.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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