
Zamalieva Faniya1


1. Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture - separate structural subdivision of “Federal Research Center “Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”


The studies were carried out with the aim of biological substantiation of a decrease in Y-virus reinfection during the reproduction of seed potatoes with a low degree of infection. The experiments were carried out in 2001-2006 in Laishevskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2001-2003 and 2002-2004 the total vector activity of aphids for three years was 393 and 310 equivalent units, respectively, the degree of infestation at the final stage reached 45.8 and 20.8%. In 2003-2005 and 2004-2006 the total vector activity of aphids for three years was higher than in previous cycles by 2.0 ... 2.5 times (785 and 610 equivalent units, respectively), but the degree of infestation at the final stage was only 4.1% and 1, 7%. For the first time, a calculation formula was obtained and the distances between diseased potato plants were specified, depending on the degree of contamination of the seed material. With a planting density of 55 thousand plants/ha, the formula takes the following form: , where у is the distance between infected plants, meter; х is the degree of infection with the virus (х > 0), %. The relationship between the degree of planting infestation and the distance between diseased plants is inversely proportional, graphically it is a hyperbole. The dynamics of changes in the distance between infected plants was traced with a decrease in infection from 100% to close to zero values. It was revealed that the 1% level of infection is critical. With an increase in infestation from 1 to 100%, the distance between diseased plants decreases from 4.26 to 0.42 m, which is a small distance for winged aphids to overcome. A decrease in infestation from 1% to close to zero value may lead to an increase in the distance between diseased plants from 4.26 m to theoretically infinite. Seed material, with close to zero infection, is safe to reproduce for a long time without the risk of rapid reinfection, due to the significant distance for vectors between sources of infection and a decrease in the participation of most aphids in the transmission of viruses. The results obtained formed the basis for the potato seed-growing system and the technology for protecting seed potatoes from reinfection with the Y-virus in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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