
Gabdrafikov Fanil'1,Aysuvakov Irshat1,Galiev Ilgiz2


1. FGBOU VO «Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


The studies were carried out with the aim of modernizing the pump injector with a hydraulic actuator of the HEUI system plunger with the development of a control valve model based on a split elastic ring that provides fast fuel injection control. The upgraded device differs from the existing ones in that instead of a control freely floating valve (ball) or a poppet valve with springs, a valve in the form of a split elastic ring is installed in the valve assembly. One end of this ring is fixed rigidly, the other is freely movable to block the drain channel of the liquid. The canal overlaps the free edge of the ring when the electromagnet is turned on (installed with a gap inside the ring), and also (in the absence or malfunction of the electromagnet) from the valve itself running under the pressure of the supplied fluid. When upgrading the pump injector by the proposed method and using an annular control valve with electronic control (with optimal ring parameters), a new technical effect is achieved - reducing the response time of the control valve. This is due to the fact that the free edge of the split elastic ring, like a mechanical multiplier, blocks the drain canal π times faster than the valve stroke when it rises from the pressure of the fluid flow or signal when the electromagnet is on. The ring valve simultaneously acts as a spring to return to its original position, simplifying the design as much as possible. In the course of research, a new mathematical expression was derived for calculating the valve stroke depending on its design parameters. Using this formula, the optimal parameters of the control ring valve of the pump injector were established, which affect the quality of fuel injection in a wide range of diesel operation: diameter - 20 mm, ring width - 12 mm, thickness - 0.46 mm, diameter of the control fluid supply canal - 3 mm.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Reference17 articles.

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