Theoretical studies of hydromechanical drive of mobile technological machine member


Rybak Alexander Timofeyevich1,Temirkanov Alan Ruslanovich1,Peshkov Vladislav Maximovich1,Shamaylov Evgeny Sergeyevich1


1. Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


The work objective is to study a mathematical model of the synchronous hydromechanical brush actuator of the airdrome sweeper driven by two hydraulic motors based on the throttle flow divider of non-spool-type with plunger setters. The main task is to determine the effect of various design and operational data of a synchronous hydraulic drive of a mobile technological machine on its functional efficiency. A method of the theoretical research of an actuator mathematical model is used. The simulation of the brush synchronous hydro-drive system is based on the theory of the modified volume stiffness of the hydraulic system that allows simplify modeling and make a rapid analysis of the drive performance under study, considerably shortening the timeline of the study. The research results prove that the throttle flow divider of non-spool-type with the plunger regulating element allows providing the required properties of the synchronized system. The design parameters of the flow divider having an essential impact on the synchronous hydraulic system operation are recognized, and ways of its improvement are specified. The research results can be used in design and improvement of the synchronous hydromechanical drives of mobile technological machines.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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