Influence of thePENTAPHYLLOIDES FRUTICOSA l.lInIment on tba-actIve products and antIoxIdant status In wound InjurIes assocIated wIth experImental dIabetes mellItus


Бальхаев ,Balkhaev Mikhail,Гармаев -,Garmaev Bato-Tsyren,Хитрихеев ,Khitrikheev Vladimir,Николаева ,Nikolaeva Irina


The aim of the work was to evaluate the influence of the liniment from Pentaphylloides fruticosa L. on lipid peroxidation in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus accompanied by wound process.The liniment was developed with the use of NanoDeBee30 device. Experiments were carried out on white male Wistar rats. Experimental diabetes mellitus was simulated by a single intraperitoneal introduction of alloxan in a dose of 100mg/kg. The skin injury was simulated by inflicting planar wounds 2.0×2.0cm in size. 5mg of the 5%-liniment from Pentaphylloides fruticosa was put on the wounds of the first experimental group once a day for 14 days. The sec-ond experimental group was treated by the preparation of comparison – balsamic liniment. The wounds of the control group were treated with glycerin-lanolin ointment. On the 7th, 14th and 21st day the concentration of TBA-active products in the blood serum was determined to estimate the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes; the contents of reduced glutathione and catalase activity were determined to evaluate the antioxidant status. The results of the experiments verify the marked curative effect of the liniment from Pentaphylloides fruticosa L. on the healing of the wounds on the background of experimental diabetes mellitus in rats


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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