
Ruzhich Valeriy1,Levina Elena1


1. Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of RAS


We discuss the relationship of solar activity with the seismicity of Earth and reasons for the differences in the results of studies of various authors. Using the epoch superposition method, we analyze the differences in seismic activity distribution over phases of the 11-year solar cycle for the whole world, hemispheres, sectors, latitudinal belts, and individual regions. The northeastern sector of Earth has been shown to make the main contribution to the planetary distribution of seismic activity over phases of the 11-year solar cycle. We have revealed a pattern in the distribution of seismic activity over latitudinal belts: the solar cycle phases, at which the main maximum of seismic activity occurs, increase with increasing latitude in both hemispheres. For some regions, the results may differ from the generalized results for Earth due to the influence of local geodynamic conditions during the destruction of the earth's crust. In middle latitudes, the maximum number of earthquakes is shifted to the later phases of the solar cycle from west to east, which was not found for the northern regions. We discuss possible reasons for various manifestations of solar-terrestrial relationships for different regions, taking into account their different structure and geodynamic development modes. The presence of pronounced maxima of the seismic activity distribution over the 11-year solar cycle phases allows us to use them for refining the “time” parameter in the medium-term prediction of dangerous earthquakes.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics

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