A plant for blood heat treatment of farm animals


Белова ,Belova Maryana,Зиганшин ,Ziganshin Bulat,Уездный ,Uezdnyy Nikolay


The microwave installation for the cooking farm animals blood was designed. It consists of a cylindrical shield casing, inside which are the rotor; a plurality of cylindrical resonator chambers, rigidly fixed by the microwave generator so that the emitter is on its inside. Three microwave generators and an infrared heating sets (IR lamp) are installed alternately on the upper base of the cylindrical screening body to increase plant productivity. To fix the lower parts of the cylindrical resonator chambers in a vertical position there are a tension ring. It holds the resonator chamber to discharge the sector. The unit of start safety equipment was mounted on the side of the shield casing. There is a dispenser with a rotating shutter on the top shield frame, before the first microwave generator. Implementation of the gate with mounted along the shaft of the blades with scrapers is used for cleaning dispenser cap from entering blood. There is an unloading chute on the side of the shield casing. In its sector, there is a special stop element, contributing to overturn the resonating chambers and return them to the upright position. The cost effectiveness of microwave plant with a capacity of 60 kilogram per hour is about 1 million.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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