Features of professional burnout of female and male psychologists of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation


Sivoronova Mariya1


1. Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V.Ya. Kikotya


This article is focused on the consideration of topical issues related to the professional burnout of specialists in "helping professions", including psychologists of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The subject of the article is to establish the relationship between gender and professional burnout of psychologists of the internal affairs bodies. The sample includes 162 psychologists from the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, of which 40 are men and 122 are women. The collection of empirical data was carried out using the method of diagnosing emotional burnout by V.V. Boyko and methods of studying reflexivity A.V. Karpova, V.V. Ponomarev. Processing was carried out using the statistical package StatSoftStatistica 8 MR-3. The results of the study indicate similarities and differences in the manifestations of professional burnout among psychologists of the internal affairs bodies, as well as the relationship between gender and manifestations of the phenomenon in question among these specialists. The need for a deep and comprehensive study of professional burnout among psychologists of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is actualized for the subsequent development and experimental testing of a scientifically based program for their professional and personal development, taking into account the characteristics characteristic of female and male psychologists, as well as their individual psychological characteristics.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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