Personal factors of professional success of employees of internal affairs bodies


Goncharova Natal'ya1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


Professional success is determined by a combination of factors of objective and subjective content that ensure the achievement of a significant result in activities, job satisfaction and the development of the personal potential of the organization's employees. Objective performance results and positive subjective experiences of professional success are a powerful motivator of professional activity and help to increase its effectiveness. The purpose of the study is determined by the need to establish the features of the factor structure of personality traits that act as resources for professional success. Subject of study: factorial structure of personality traits. Research methods: personality traits were considered in accordance with the classes of factors proposed in the psychodiagnostic methodology "California Personality Questionnaire - CPI". The sample of the study was represented by male employees of the internal affairs bodies (n=97), divided into two groups of "successful" (n=65) and "unsuccessful" (n=32) based on an expert assessment. The results of the study made it possible to establish important characteristics of personal factors of professional success, which constitute a significant psychological resource for the professional development of subjects of professional activity.It has been established that the main factors are subjective, reflecting the effectiveness of effective interpersonal interaction, the normativity and maturity of the individual, the focus on achieving and developing intellectual potential, a constructively optimistic lifestyle, which determines psychological well-being and job satisfaction. The scope of the research results is determined by the specifics of the organization of psychological support for the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, the tasks of moral and psychological training, the goals of personality development and the formation of skills of official behavior. Prospects for further research lie in the plane of analyzing the parameters of the identified factors, identifying patterns in the formation of professional success and its subjective components.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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