Directions of digital transformation of scientific and educational activities


Zybin Dmitry1,Antonovskiy Aleksandr2,Churakov Denis3


1. Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

2. of the Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

3. Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


The article discusses the current directions of digital transformation of scientific and educational activities. In 2021, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education developed a Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Science and Higher Education, which is aimed at achieving digital maturity as the basis for strategic development and digital transformation of scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education. Five main directions of digital transformation of science and higher education are presented: architecture of digital transformation; development of digital services; data management; infrastructure modernization; human resources management. Additionally, seven more subprojects have been identified: datahab; data management system for science and higher education; digital transformation architecture; digital university; unified science service platform; software and hardware marketplace; digital education; service hub. The Strategy of Digital Transformation of the branch of science and higher education reflects the focus on digital interaction of information systems, their interconnectedness, subordination and unity of work in relation to scientific and educational organizations of higher education. One of the vectors of digital transformation at present is a certain shift in its focus, which consists not only in digitalization of various processes and types of professional activity, but also in changing and transforming digital interaction systems. The key aspects of the digital transformation of science and education are new, in their content, directions and models of activity, which are based on the synthesis of constantly updated digital solutions and services, opportunities for continuing professional education and development for specialists, the availability of conditions for organizing digital changes, support and coordination of effective communication between participants in digital transformation projects within the framework of professional interaction.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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