Investigation of the motivation of illegal property behavior of juvenile offenders


Ustinov dmitriy1


1. Donetsk National University


The article presents the results of a study of the need-motivation sphere of juvenile offenders who have committed crimes against property. The purpose of the study is to study the structure of criminal motivation of adolescents and young men who have experience in committing property crimes, to establish their leading motives and actualized needs that are satisfied in the process of committing theft. As the main psychodiagnostic material, the author's specialized projective technique for diagnosing the motives of delinquent property behavior of minors, based on the complex use of the possibilities of interpretive and additive projective techniques, is applied. 82 juvenile offenders registered in juvenile affairs units for committing crimes against property took part in the study. The results of the study allowed us to determine the significance of each type of motives in the structure of criminal motivation of juvenile offenders: the dominance of a potential criminal selfish motive was established, which the diagnosed showed more often and more intensively than others; the leading motivating value of a potential security motive was revealed; a significant role of potential motives for self-affirmation and self-esteem enhancement was established; the significance of potential criminal motives of envy, revenge, playful and humane, as not having, in general, a decisive influence on criminal behavior, but prevailing in the need-motivational sphere of individual offenders, has been established; situationally significant influence of the physiological motive has been revealed. The study also showed that juvenile offenders are not characterized by avoidance of illegal behavior, a desire to minimize the damage caused or to apologize to the victim. The results of the study of the criminal motivation of juvenile offenders, conducted for the first time using a specialized projective technique that allows leveling the factor of insincerity of the subjects, allow all subjects of the prevention of juvenile delinquency to carry out preventive measures taking into account the characteristics of the motivational components of the personality of juvenile offenders.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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