
Mihal'chi Ekaterina1


1. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)


The article examines the features and factors of manifestation of mental health in persons with different levels of health: mild health disorders, chronic diseases and other defects, severe health disorders and disabilities. At the beginning, the author cites the results of an analysis of theoretical sources on mental health problems and highlights the factors that affect its level: the presence and degree of physical disorders in health and the presence of mental disorders and negative psychological states. As shown by the results of a survey of research participants, more than 70% of them have mental health disorders, expressed in the manifestation of negative mental states and disorders. Further, the features of mental health in persons with different levels of health were studied by using the following questionnaires: "Scale of coherence", "Test of hardiness", "Test of dispositional optimism", "Test of social adaptation", "Methods of coping behavior". An analysis of the results of using these questionnaires showed that the presence and degree of disorders in human health affects a decrease in the levels of hardiness and dispositional optimism, and deterioration in mental health and the development of negative psychological states also lead to a decrease in hardiness and its components, and a decrease in optimistic expectations from changes in the future, a decrease in the level of a sense of coherence and the possibilities of cognitive perception of the surrounding reality, an increase in the level of negative impact of stress on the psychophysical state of a person and an increase in cases of choosing maladaptive coping strategies for coping with stress.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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